“If there were real choice, real equality, pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood would not come with enormous…

“If there were real choice, real equality, pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood would not come with enormous socio-economic penalties for all but the richest women… Many people have religious or personal reasons for disapproving of abortion and they are free, as they always have been, not to have one themselves. Yet it’s time to change the terms of the debate. It’s time to demand reproductive rights for everyone – without apology.”

Quote source. Art by Heather Freeman

2 thoughts on ““If there were real choice, real equality, pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood would not come with enormous…

  1. Good point – time to change the direction from being so adversarial to how can we accommodate those who would choose as we think wrong, not how to make them do as we choose.  This would stir up a storm in my Catholic family where the rights of the fetus are paramount.


  2. Thanks for your comments, Joey Brockert! It is a very strange ethical logic where some groups place the idea of the foetus above the rights of women who would otherwise struggle to take care of a child for a multitude of reasons! 


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