Lunar New Year 2019 – The Rat

High above people stopping to stare and take photos, are six pearl-coloured rats dressed mostly in lingere. They wave their arms joyfully standing on a rainbow that people can walk underneath. They signify LGBTQIA pride and the Chinese character for "love" hangs high above the dancing rodents

Artist Guo Jian first arrived in Sydney in 1992. “The Rat lantern is inspired by Guo Jian’s experience of moving to Australia and being embraced and supported by the Sydney LGBTIQ communities. At first glance, the Rat is light, fun and visually entertaining. Look closer and you’ll see the Chinese character for ‘love’ creating a bridge between China and Sydney… The zodiac symbol of The Rat can be characterised as intelligent, adaptable and social. The quick-witted Rat cannot let an opportunity to prosper pass them by.”

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